Just for grins, I searched for flour mills in the USA that sell to the public. It was a fun exercise. In addition to the larger, better-known names such as King Arthur Flour, there are some mills that are probably in TFLers’ back yards. Since I don’t know most of the millers or their products, I leave it up to you to do your own experimentation.
Please note that I focused primarily on sources that have on-line stores. That means that I left out some that sell only through localized retail outlets. Also note that some of these are very small and may have limited offerings, such as only cornmeal. And I’m sure that the list is in no way exhaustive. Feel free to add your own suggestions.
The list is in no particular order. However each listing will be in the form of mill name, state, website. Here’s the list:
Lakeside Mills, North Carolina, website
The Stafford County Flour Mills Company, Kansas, website (I can find their products in supermarkets in the KC area)
North Dakota Mill, North Dakota, website
Prairie Mills, Indiana, website
Shawnee Milling Company, Oklahoma, website
Dakota Prairie Organic Flour Company, North Dakota, website
Sunrise Flour Mill, Minnesota, website
Wade’s Mill, Virginia, website
Heartland Mill, Kansas, website
Oakview Farms Granary, Alabama, website
Anson Mills, South Carolina, website
Calhoun Bend Mill, Louisiana, website
Orchard Mills, Louisiana, website
Homestead Gristmill, Texas, website
Natural Way Mills, Minnesota, website
Giusto’s Specialty Foods, California, website
McEwen and Son, Alabama, tel. 205-669-6605
Montana Flour and Grains, Montana, website
Stanton’s Mill, Maryland, tel. 301-895-4415
Nora Mill Granary, Georgia, website
Dellinger Grist Mill, North Carolina, website
McGeary Organics, Pennsylvania, website
King Arthur Flour, Vermont, website
Greenfield Mills, Indiana, website
Arrowhead Mills, Colorado, website
Bob’s Red Mill, Oregon, website
Wheat Montana, Montana, website
Great River Milling, Wisconsin, website
The Mill at Anselma, Pennsylvania, website
Hodgson Mill, Illinois, website
I also came across this listing of operating gristmills, which may be of interest.
And, just when you thought you knew all about stone-ground flour, here’s The Stone Cold Truth About Stone Ground Flour. Worth a rant or two, I’m sure.