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A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

The Roadside Pie King's blog

The Roadside Pie King's picture
The Roadside Pi...

Here we have a signature Roadside Pie King bake. The hallmarks of which are, the final product looks impressive, yet the result is relatively easy to accomplish. 

 This pie features, pasta frolla (Italian sweet short pastry) filled with homemade from scratch chocolate cream (pudding)

Enjoy the photo montage...


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The Roadside Pie King's picture
The Roadside Pi...

 He needs steak and potatoes too!


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The Roadside Pie King's picture
The Roadside Pi...

Phase 2, will debut a radical new steaming method. Stop back later for the 411!

Phase 1, Straight dough baguettes

The Roadside Pie King's picture
The Roadside Pi...

Hello, Friends.

I hope this blog entry finds you all well and your kitchens stocked. This weekend we Falzons, had a zoom family reunion. I setup a prep station and baked while I reminisced. It was a true NYC emigrant extravaganza!  Ravioli brought to NYC by our southern Italian pisani. At the very same time Bialy the not so famous cousin to the well known bagel! Enjoy!

 Post script:

The Bialy recipe is from our friend Stan's book, Inside the Jewish bakery (recipe by Norm Berg.) Sadly the hard copy book is out of print and quite pricy. Happily, sections of the book are available on Amazon for just a few bucks! I can attest, the price of the bagel and roll section is worth it just for this bialy recipe alone!


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 food and indoor

The Roadside Pie King's picture
The Roadside Pi...

The  long cold Autolyse.

 With the nice result of my last 65% hydration sourdough baguette bake. I was exploring an easy, yeasted, slightly higher hydration baguette formula to mess around with tomorrow. I came across this one, posted by dmsnyder. I quickly began the autolyse. Of course I made the obligatory changes to the dough weight and method, ala The Roadside Pie Kings preferences and idiosyncrasies. This is the finalized version of the formula, it incorporates my exact step by step procedure. 

Link to dmsnyders original post


The Roadside Pie King's picture
The Roadside Pi...

The formula for this bake is based on Hamelman's Vermont sourdough, scaled to yield 3 Baguettes at 400 grams. The modus operandi, is as follows. 

The day before:

12:00 PM - Levain build #1

  6:00 PM - Levain build #2

The day of:

5:00 AM - 1 Hour fermntolyse (Flour, Water and Levain)

6:00 AM - Add in the salt, spin in the Bosch mixer ( 5 Minutes # 2) Rest in the Bosch bowl covered for 5 Minutes.

6:05 AM - Spin for 5 Minutes more at #2

6:10 AM - Move the now cohesive/elastic (yet sticky) dough ball to the straight sided, oiled fermenting container. Allow the dough ball to ferment at room temperature, until doubled in volume. (2Hrs. with one set stretch/fold at 45 min.)

8:10 AM - Move the dough, still in the container to the refrigerator for the retard.

9:10 AM - Turn the dough ball out and scale to 1 600G and two 300G balls. On a lightly floured work bench, shape 2 300G Baguettes and 1 600G boule. Cover the loafs and return to the refrigerator for cold proof. 

2:00 PM - Pre heat the oven to 500F. at 2:30 PM add a steam source. (The baguettes did not seem well proofed at this point.) I moved them to the now warm kitchen to accelerate the proof. The boule looked fine and stayed in the refrigerator. 

3:00 PM - Lower oven temp. to 450F.Slash/sprits and bake the baguettes. Set to cool.

3:25 PM - Slash/sprits and bake the boule straight from the refrigerator. Set to cool. 

The goal was to have fresh, cooled baguettes for dinner. I love it when a bake works like clock work! (More or less)

NYC street food for dinner. Let's over complicate sausage and peppers, with homemade baguettes and a boule just for fun!
1. The pre-shape
2. The final shapes
3. Now for a long slow cold ferment, shooting for a 3:30 PM bake.
4. Two bats and one ball, out of the oven.
5. Phase two of the "Street Food" bake. Getting down to the meat of the matter!



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Final Shapes


Self explanatory


The meat of the matter


Add some color


Obligatory crumb shot


The culmination of a well planned bake.


The Roadside Pie King's picture
The Roadside Pi...

The Roadside Pie king method

Here you have it pie lovers the complete unabridged Pie King method. Enjoy!

The Roadside Pie King's picture
The Roadside Pi...

Day 1: 08/07/2019

10:00 A,M. Eastern Daylight Saving Time (GMT -4)

  1. I decided on the dried fruit I will be using. I had some dried dates on hand and I picked up a package of one ingredient, organically grown raisins. 
  2. using 120 Degree F. domestic hot water and a new sponge I washed the containers.
  3. The containers are left to air dry.

The Roadside Pie King's picture
The Roadside Pi...

By: The Roadside Pie King The original plan called for candied ginger and candied rosemary. Well don't you know I brought basil by mistake? I decided to go with the flow. Please mind your eye on photos one through three, candied basil. The next step called for pealing the fresh, frozen at the peak of flavor peaches. The skins were to be discarded however they smelled so darn good I decided to pulverize them with the sugars. The still partially frozen peaches are de-stoned and sliced. By this time the candied basil has dried. The candied ginger and candied basil were combined, finely ground and set aside. The dry spices, chopped fresh basil, salt, extracts and the sugar/skin mixture were combined with the peaches. The bottom pastry was rolled out, placed into the 9" pan and the filling was added. The pie was set aside in the refrigerator. The top pastry was prepared and placed on the filled shell. The completed pie is set to chill in the refrigerator. The oven is pre-heated. Just before baking, the top of the pie is painted with egg white, and the candied ginger/basil mixture is sprinkled on top. The pie is baked till golden, (60 minutes)







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